Kelly Services, Inc. and Subsidiaries IRS Disclosures for Providing Form W-2 Electronically

If you do not consent to receive your Form W-2 electronically, a paper copy of your Form W-2 will continue to be mailed to you no later than January 31st of the following calendar year to the permanent mailing address provided in your employment records.

Your consent to receive the Form W-2 electronically will be effective for each Form W-2 required to be furnished to you after consent is given until you affirmatively withdraw your consent to receive the Form W-2 electronically or until 22 months after the date of receipt of the last payment of wages from Kelly Services, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries (“Kelly Services” or “Kelly”).1

You may also request a paper copy of the Form W-2 by contacting Kelly Services at the following phone numbers: Call 1-866-KELLY-4U for Temporary employee W-2s, or 1-248-244-3898 for Regular employee W-2s. Requesting a paper copy of the Form W-2 does not withdraw your consent to receive the current and any future Form W-2 electronically.

You may withdraw your consent to receive Form W-2 electronically at any time. A withdrawal of consent will be effective on the date received. If consent is withdrawn, it will only be effective for the Form W-2 statements that have not yet been issued. Consent may be withdrawn by updating your profile on the eW-2 website.

Kelly Services will notify you by placing a notice on the electronic distribution website of any change to the contact information or procedures for withdrawing your consent or for providing any other notices to Kelly Services related to the receipt of Form W-2 electronically.

The provision of a Form W-2 by electronic format will automatically cease 22 months after the date of receipt of the last payment of wages from Kelly Services. Kelly Services will provide a notice on the applicable Kelly entity’s website if that entity decides to cease to provide the Form W-2 electronically.

The electronic Form W-2 will display the same information in the same format as the current paper statements, including all required copies (employee copy, federal copy and state/local copy). The electronic version will be available online through at least October 15 of each tax year. The Form W-2 can be printed and attached to a federal, state or local income tax return.

Access to the internet, the free Adobe Reader and a printer are required to download and print the electronic Form W-2 from a Kelly web site.

Please contact Kelly Services if you have any questions about receiving Form W-2 electronically.

© Copyright 2015 Kelly. All Rights Reserved.





1Kelly Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries are separate and distinct legal entities. Your paystubs and W-2 will identify which Kelly Services entity employs you.